Journal Entry 5

Date: 30.3.2023


- Downloaded and juiced up the breakout demo

Invested hours: 


Implemented features:

  • Brick setup:
    • bricks appear in a staggered wave, tweening their position, scale, and alpha
    • they are now colored by rows
    • the player can't start the game until the bricks are ready
  • When a brick is destroyed:
    • camera shakes
    • time slows down for a fraction of a second
    • ball speeds up
    • an explosion particle effect appears
    • the brick crumbles into particles
  • Ball:
    • trail
    • emits particles
  • Paddle:
    • trail
    • squishes when moving fast
    • squishes when bouncing the ball


I uploaded the juicy result

Files 22 MB
Mar 31, 2023

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